Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mike Green

"I don't know anything about Drake, other than what everyone else knows. UIC is the next game and that's all I'm concerned with right now. As far as the season goes I haven't had much time to set back and reflect. Time is flying and all I seem to think about the end, which we all hope is April the 7th."

Mike Green


Anonymous said...

The good news: Drake just lost its second game in its last 3 (and, what's more, they lost AT HOME to BRADLEY). So they'll be visiting us riding a bit of a slump.

My concern: Tomorrow's game against UIC is going to be tough. We need to keep Mayo out of it. If we do, we should be fine.

Anonymous said...

Team DDB,

Amy Hyerczyk profiled Butler for us on Basketball University. Check it out:


Would appreciate a plug plus your feedback on the site!